Pass Memberships
Basic Pass
  • No Service Discount
  • Up to 72 Hour Response Time
  • 30 Day Project File Storage
  • Website Hosting Not Included
  • Project Management Dashboard
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Pro Pass
  • 15% Discount on all Design Services*
  • Up to 48 Hour Response Time*
  • Unlimited Project File Storage*
  • Website Hosting Not Included
  • Project Management Dashboard
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Business Pass
  • 25% Discount on all Design Services*
  • Up to 24 Hour Response Time*
  • Unlimited Project File Storage*
  • Free Hosting for Website Projects*
  • Project Management Dashboard
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*While your pass membership is active. Not valid for email marketing, private projects, or invoices.

Popular Services
Identity Package

Logo, Business Card, & Letterhead Design


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Custom T-Shirt Design

Custom T-Shirt Design


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Custom Website Design

Custom Website Design & Development (Wordpress Platform)


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Design, Development & Marketing

Providing professional graphic design and web development services with over 10 years experience. A single designer handles all your projects.

Custom Designs

And Satisfaction Guaranteed

Always 100% custom designed to fit your needs. Our goal is to build long term relationships with our clients. We're not satisfied unless your satisfied!

The Pass

Your Own Graphics Department

A pass gives you access to the member dashboard. A hub to manage, store and keep track off all your design projects. Premium passes also have added perks!